Seigfreid Bingham Art Collection Complete

The law firm Seigfreid Bingham threw a big shindig recently to celebrate their new offices and art collection. Beautiful party. People were praising the art and architecture all night. Thanks so much to SB for the opportunity. More images on our site.

Artists in order of appearance: Allan Chow, Jenny McGee, Jacob Burmood, Gary Bowling, William Lobdell, Dean Kube, Dave Regier.











Getting Covered by the Media


Lobdell Detail

 Twelfth Street Bridge. Acrylic, Gatorboard, Wood, Found Objects. 38 x 58.       William Lobdell

We hosted a show for William Lobdell last month, who I’m assisting with building a national career. I sent out press releases two months before the show, since getting covered by the press is paramount. Here’s a link to the resulting article. We don’t get such great coverage every time, nor do I overwhelm journalists with constant releases. But when I have a good story to tell we always send a release, and stories often result. If you want to know more about how I do this, just go the book: