Installations for School of Leadership Studies


Jeremie Hoffman, Luke Shelton, Erick Zoeller: Installers par Excellence

These are just a few of the 40 pieces that we’ll be installing at K-State over the next couple of months–I mean the art, not the crew.  Fantastic client.  As always, it’s great working with regional artists.  We’re all looking forward to the wrap party.


Oil on Panel, Derrick Breidenthal.


Oil on Canvas, Basil Seymour-Davies


Oil on Linen, Kim Casebeer.


Blown Glass, Drew Hine and Jason Forck.



Watched The Hangover the other night with Brown Eyes.  My sons wanted to catch it with us, but were due back at college so we watched it without them.

What a dumbass movie.  And how freaking hilarious.  The really funny part?  We’ve all known guys like this.

Richard Raney Commission for KSU

Richard’s working on an oil now for the K-State School of Leadership Studies.  It isn’t this piece, as I’m not prone to giving away surprises, but it’s in this tendency.  Anyway I’ve always been fond of this painting.  The model?  She’s a dancer for Alvin Ailey.  This work went to a KC collector.

Stainless Steel Armature at Gieske Custom Metal


Had the dudes at Gieske do a little fabricating on one of our designs for K-State’s School of Leadership Studies.  This will be for a large sculpture incorporating blown glass.  We’ll complete it later this month. That’s Dean Isackson, shop manager, on the right with one of his welders.  Man, what a shop.

What are the boys laughing about?  Well let’s just say it was a joke that I can’t repeat in polite company.