I blogged about this last week, but it’s too important to not cover in Friday Tips. So for all of you who are looking for fairer treatment with art auctions and tax write-offs, I urge you to go online and sign this petition:
Artists’ Deduction Bill:
Why? This artist deduction bill (S.548) would give artists the right to deduct the fair market value of their work when donating it to a charity. About time.
Artists are often asked to donate work to charitable causes for fundraising purposes. But when the work is auctioned, it’s the buyer who gets the benefit of deducting their contribution above the market value. The artist can only deduct the amount of the material costs (paint, canvas, clay, etc.). Give me a freaking break.
This bill will help change this injustice. Please click on the link and type in your zip code. A letter of support will be sent to your senators and congressmen. Once you’re done with that, forward the link to friends and family. We need to get this thing passed.
Note: I had to have my web dude turn off the Comments Link because we were getting about 350 spams per day, and he couldn’t seem to screen them. It was very time-consuming to weed through and find your comments. If ever he can get rid of spam altogether, we’ll turn on Comments again.
Bonne ChanceÂ