Book Sold in Korea


Interesting thing happened a couple of months ago.  Book Cosmos, a publisher in South Korea, asked to buy the rights to Living the Artist’s Life.  Seemed a reasonable request to me, so we consented.  Book will come out this summer.  Will this result in a Korean tour?  I don’t know, but I’ve always wanted to see Busan and Incheon–just not in winter.

4 thoughts on “Book Sold in Korea

  1. Congratulations on spreading your book around the world! Busan’s a nice big town…white buildings stick out of mountains in the middle of the city, and they’ve got a fantastic film festival every year. Also a sculpture biennial on the beach this fall.

    For some current events, it’s worth checking out:
    (I’ve always got a sentimental spot for the city as my husband & I met there a few years ago)

    Seoul/Incheon are interesting places, too. As with mainland China, best to visit in the spring/fall to avoid extreme weather conditions.

  2. Elizabeth: Thanks for the tips. I’ll bear all this in mind should a tour be in the offing. Bloody well will not go in winter.

    Nice work. Good luck in Hong Kong.

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