Glass-Blowing Lessons for Sumner Academy Kids

 Last week these young artists–otherwise known by me as Punks–received instruction in blowing glass at Tom Bloyd’s studio.  They’re from Sumner Academy in KCK, and in one of my mentoring programs.  University of Kansas Hospital footed the bill, Tom and Janine Daniels instructed, I coordinated.  Kids were really juiced; each blew their own paperweight–not bad for the first time out.  Maybe they aren’t such punks after all. 

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Later I met them for lunch at Block and took them on a tour.  Note how they’re drinking in the art.  Still later they’ll receive painting instruction from Richard Raney.  It will all result in a proper gallery opening for the Punks in Jan. 


4 thoughts on “Glass-Blowing Lessons for Sumner Academy Kids

  1. Well, those Bohemians are pretty talented with the glass–and with the Pilsner Beer as I recall. You should have a great trip. Try not to weary of dumplings.

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