Japanese Translation?



「情熱とともに賢明で洗練された実用的なガイダンスと知識。率直な内容は夢中にさせる。」-ジム・リーディー氏 カンザスシティーアートインスティテュート彫刻学科


A friend of mine in Tokyo, Sachi Noto, has begun a translation of Artist’s Life.  She sent me the first section, part of which I reprint here.  Of course for all I know this is lifted from a Jackie Collins novel, but Sachi says it’s the real deal, so I believe her.  She works in some software joint called SMRJ, but is an artist at heart.  Highly literary. 

A Japanese book tour?  I told her to wait until my new book comes out.  Whichever book, I wouldn’t mind having sushi in the country that invented it–after I climb that Fuji thing.

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