The reason why I helped certain of my artists gain entry into the Colorado scene, years ago, is because I was aware of the high level of tourism here, and of how active the art market is. So I helped them gain acceptance into galleries in Aspen and Vail.
These are conservative markets, where figurative bronzes and landscapes do very well, and contemprary work does not. Because these artists are contemporary in nature, their work did not move as well here as they have in other markets. On the other hand, my more traditional artists have fairly well cleaned up in Colorado. So, do we value the Colorado scene? Greatly, it’s just a matter of being realistic about its current tendencies, and using those to advantage.
The scene in Denver? Well that was Neal Cassady’s town, and in a sense Kerouac’s. Denver is a different story, especially LoDo.
We hiked up to the Divide today. How high? Just above 12,000 I think. Plenty high enough. On our way to the top, came across an incredible alpine meadow in a box canyon, sprayed with wildflowers, snowdrifts melting on the slopes, and an ice cold stream running down the center. Damn good place for a nap before topping out. Everyone exhausted by the time we got back down, but it was that good kind of burning exhaustion that always makes dinner, and wine, taste so good after.
Worked on the screenplay both morning and night. Up to page 55 now. Seems to go just fine. Juiced every time I get into it. In fact I can’t wait to work on it again in the morning. But first, a hot tub and mischief.