In Breckenridge on vacation currently, along with family. Dinner in the foothills above Denver last night with friends; hot tub under pines, wine, and laughter. Wife lovely and relaxed, boys having a great time.
Twisted my freaking knee today in a rollerblade wreck, tore some cartilege. Great. Just in time for our hike up to the Continental Divide. Leave it to a man to do something stupid like that. Oh well, wrap the damn thing tight. Pain is sometimes good; keeps your edge sharp. Whitewater rafting tomorrow; Divide on Tuesday.
Work on the screenplay every moring, and evening. No phones, no nothing. God how I love it. Good progress. Readable draft by Saturday. Then my critics can beat me up. The odd thing? Don’t think there will be much beating up. This one’s writing itself. Always a good sign.