Tonight will be the opening for a weekend art exhibit at a lawn-and-garden center here, called Suburban. This isn’t just any lawn-and-garden joint, but a lavish place that revolves around a huge white greenhouse. By huge I mean it’s the size of a football field. Literally. We’re having a group show there. Why?
Well my gallery’s in Midtown. Suburban is on the south side, in the midst of the booming new suburbs. Those folks don’t come to this part of the city much, so we decided to go to them. Do I dig doing this stuff? Not really: I’ll have to talk to prospects for three hours straight, tell jokes, help people to see the art, and keep the energy at an inviting level. Is this necessary? Yes, if I’m to keep advancing my artists’ careers, landing them the sales and commissions that they thrive on. Besides, the president of Suburban is a fine client. He asked if I’d do the gig if he promoted the heck out of it. Couldn’t say no. Actually think it will go well.
My point? If you’re an artist, you will have to do similar things–or have your gallery do them. It’s either that or languish. I don’t consider the latter much of an option. Anyway the opening closes at 9:00. I’ll boogie out of there by 9:05, and be meeting friends in Midtown by 9:30. Always a good way to end an opening.