John Preston’s Oils

The gallery was fortunate enough to recently begin carrying the work of John Preston, one of the most celebrated landscape painters in the Midwest.  His work is somewhat influenced by the style of Millet–but with a distinctly American approach.  You can see more of it here on his webpage.  Me?  I feel honored that he chose us.

How To Help Out In Joplin

If you’d like to assist in Joplin, please go to this site: They make it easy to sign up for different chores, indoors or out. Man, they desperately need the help. The devastation defies description. My sons and I spent Memorial Day clearing downed trees, so a chainsaw is handy but not necessary.


Took this shot at Missouri Southern State, the staging area, after a day’s work. Didn’t take any shots of the destroyed areas. Somehow that didn’t feel right.