Warren Rosser Installation


Bright Movment, Acrylic on Canvas, Warren Rosser

Installed this highly inspired yet refined work at Saint Luke’s Hospital recently.  Warren, chair of the painting department at KCAI, is pleased.  So are we.


That of course is Warren’s piece in the center, Jane Pronko to the right, Lisa Lala to the left.  These are just a few of works we’ve installed.  Details on other artists later.

Interview on KCUR


Lyman Whitaker and I were recently interviewed on KCUR regarding his installation at Powell Gardens.  Lyman as usual had some interesting observations.  I as usual just blew a little hot air.  That’s Lyman above, with some of the usual suspects.

Images from Haiti: Luke Shelton’s One-Man Show


These are some of the works from the opening that we held last night for Luke Shelton, a brilliant young (19) photographer that I’ve mentored a bit.  He was sent to Haiti in early March to document the work of the One5 Foundation, as well as to capture something about life there–which must be hard to do without depicting constant misery.


It was a good night.  About 150 people attended and we sold 15 works–all monies going toward One5.  You should have seen good old Luke beam.  Not many punks get their first one-person show at 19.  Well, he earned it.


The energy of the evening and the vibe of the crowd were both great.  I do believe we helped raise One5’s profile a little–not that they need me for that.