Overland Park City Council Approves Sculpture


Had a presentation this evening for the OP City Council regarding a large sculpture we’re installing at 103rd and Metcalf.  By “large” I mean 18′ high.  We were seeking final approval and got it.  In fact this piece, which is quite contemporary, has been unanimously approved every step of the way.  Expect it to be a big hit.

I dig city government when it functions well.  We may not all agree about politics or certain philosophies, but we do agree on the fundamental importance of city and state governments supporting the arts, since if they don’t they’ll stagnate–or worse.  It’s very cool to see people come together over an accord such as that.

All right, now for the truth: I didn’t make the freaking presentation.  Why?  An agent in LA asked for a PDF of one of my books, a client in Springfield needs an outline by tomorrow morning, and I haven’t finished preparations for Derrick Breidenthal’s show.  So yep, I forgot a meeting for the first time in years.  Pointlessly dashed out the door and over to city hall to find that OP’s very competent Arts Coordinator, Julie Bilyea, had already made the presentation in my stead.  Nothing like being proved inessential. 

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