Glass Install


FieldFlow, by Vernon Brejcha 

This is a wall installation in blown glass that we did for the University of Kansas Hospital’s new Cancer Center.  Leopold designed and installed; Vernon Brejcha was the glass artist.  We first installed this in the old cancer center in 2004.  It was moved to the new one this year.  Very difficult to move, but the end result’s pretty good.

4 thoughts on “Glass Install

  1. Love this–so fluid and beautiful! I bet it inspires many people who pass by it each day. I did a ceramic tile piece for a hospital about a year ago and the process is documented at my flickr site (which you can access through my blog which I think you can reach by clicking on my name….)I get so much positive feedback from patients and their families but also from the nurses and the doctors that pass it every day. I think art in hospitals is so cool and so important on so many levels. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Mary: Very nice tile install. Yeah, I do believe that art in hospitals can assist in the healing process. I’m very pleased with how ours turned out, but had Vernon not blown the glass so brilliantly…

    Please make sure the hospital staff, or info desk, can hand out a postcard that has a photo of your work on one side, and your contact info on the other. Also make sure that all the doctors and surgeons–in other words the $ people–get copies of same.

    Cape Cod in winter. Damn.

  3. I never thought to leave postcards at the desk. Now that you say it, it’s so “duh!” of me….Thanks! My info (name and town) is there but of course it would be nice if people knew how to contact me. Will do that today! Funny how simple things can be forgotten. The art consultant responsible for the project was going to be sure our contact information was out there but she soon went off to another project and never really finished this one. A good reminder to all artists out there that we are responsible for getting our own art and info out there no matter what anyone else seems to promise.

  4. M: Please just take the time, with photography and production, to ensure the postcard makes you look Uptown Saturday Night. The card must look like it came out of one of the better galleries in NY, London or Paris. Not worth the effort otherwise.

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