Spoke today at a Topeka Rotary luncheon, as I speak at different functions from Des Moines to Wichita when not on the coasts. Why these smaller towns? Man, there’s great business to be done there.
Certain corporations and collectors in each of these cities are passionate about the arts, involved in their communities, and anxious to promote the arts. They understand that doing this enriches their schools, institutions and businesses. This means that they’re interested in working with regional galleries.  And although Topeka is 50 miles from KC, that’s still in my region. In fact I’ve many great clients there.
So if I lived in Atlanta, Seattle or Philly, you can be sure I’d be doing this with the smaller cities nearby. I trust your galleries are doing the same. It’s not enough to hope the clients will walk through the door as a result of marketing; sometimes you must reach out to them. When done with humor, inclusion and integrity, they’ll often reach back.