KCPT will air the documentary Art on the Block next Thursday, 8/9, at 8:30. It will be featured on SCREENtime, and will also be simulcast for those of you who don’t live in the area. You can go online to figure out that gig.
This is the documentary that premiered in May, and which The KC Star’s film critic Bob Butler praised so highly. 20 minutes long, it covers the processes/struggles/triumph of the 10 artists I commissioned for site-specific works at H&R Block’s new headquarters. It also covers, indirectly, the renaissance of the current regional art movement in America–meaning world-class works being created outside the NY gallery system. I hope you’ll watch it. Director Daven Gee and his crew, pictured above, did a stellar job.
I completely look forward to seeing this. I just love all of the stuff you do, and keep up the great work for artists and yourself!
Thanks. If you like it, I get the credit. If you detest it, the blame goes to Daven.