Aspen / Topeka / Not Facing Satchel Paige

The Great Satchel Paige
I’ve got one client coming in this week from Aspen to pick up a Kim Casebeer painting. That’s sounds pretty fancy, eh? Well she’s actually in town on other business; dropping by the gallery just fit in with the trip.

Another client in Topeka is trying to make up his mind about a rather large Allan Chow painting. Something tells me he’ll decide in Allan’s favor. I’ll give him until Thursday before calling. Curious juxtaposition: Aspen/Topeka. All the same to me.

An interior designer is wasting my time.  I’m trying to be polite.

Played a little baseball with the boys last night. Was lucky enough to knock two over the fence. Now listen, the fence is only 300′ out, and I was pitching to myself, so it’s not like I was facing Satchel Paige in old Municipal Stadium. But for Porter Park it felt all right.

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