Associated Press / Robert McGuire

Had a two-hour interview today with one of the writers for the Associated Press. Fascinating guy, he understands the arts as well as he does sports. In fact he’s working on a novel in his spare time (do journalists have spare time)? He wanted to know all about Living the Artist’s Life, Everybody’s Game, and the novels. So I told him–which took some doing. Don’t know when the article will appear; perhaps January.

Talking with this writer reminded me of another journalist/sports writer/book critic I once knew, Theodore O’Leary, who passed in 2001. I was fortunate enough to have earned his friendship before he departed. Ted’s is a great story, and I’d like to tell it, but tomorrow. Now it’s late; I’ve a date with an old friend and a bourbon on the rocks.

Image at top is a painting by Robert McGuire. Gifted painter, graduate of the Kansas City Art Institute, he now lives in New York which he moved to via Japan. His time in Asia shows in this work.

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